Does your home have a weird stench all of the sudden? Learn more about how cleaning your garbage can could solve the problem.

Things To Do Before Reshingling Your Roof

23 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Are you getting ready to reshingle your roof or to hire someone to do it for you? Are you making plans so that you have everything all ready for the project? For any given project, there are things that obviously need to be done and things that are less obvious. Obviously, to redo your roof, you'll need new shingles. But less obvious things that need to be done include: Plan for disposal: Reshingling a roof creates a lot of trash. Read More …

5 Steps for Converting an Empty Lot into a Community Garden

20 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Converting an empty lot in your neighborhood into a community garden helps to keep your town beautiful while giving people a place to grow fresh fruits and vegetables. If you have an empty lot you would like to convert, here are a few steps you'll need to follow. Identify the Owner In some cases, empty lots will belong to your local municipality. You'll need to contact your local government and request permission to use the space. Read More …